Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The World Rules with YOUTUBE!

I have much experience using youtube and enjoy the site very much. I can find things from old to new music videos, old shows, funny movies clips and even upload my own video's to share with the world. It's an exciting place to find whatever visual entertainment you are looking for and by far one of my favorite sites. I can even upload music to my mp3 player or PSP using the tool that Mozilla provided in order to download videos and such. It's a great source of information as well. I recently wanted to upgrade my PlayStation3 and wanted to know if I can add more memory to it. YouTube had a video that not only showed you the hard drives you can install but also did a step by step process of how to install. It's a very large source of informantion on youtube.Also there are a lot of fun things. I Like pop lockers that dance and I'm posting the video below to something I saw on TV and would like for other to view it. It's pretty cool. Check it out:

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