Monday, April 20, 2009

Flickr with a Clickr of the Mouse buttons

Using flickr to me was similar to uploading images to something like youtube except with all the advertising stuff and music pages in the way. I guess if you wanted to share photos and stuff like that, this site would be a very reliable candidate in posting something like about your job and how much you should really do while you working. For instance there are people all over the world who works and some jobs are harder then other while some are just not the other persons job at all. When do you determine whether or not it's your job to take care of something that's needs immediate attention if you happen to be working but it really not your job to do it. Is it in this picture below:
I mean I know we all run into this some point in our lives but do you think the guy that was laying the lines in the road should have simply just moved the darn thing out of the way. Well thanks to our volunteers here at LBH we tend to think they'd think different about what is or isn't they're job. Their help here have created a very productive environment for all the staff here. Here's a look at a few of them:

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